
Showing posts from June, 2013

Let me get it started again

        Having instructed myself to write on Saturday, I'm now responsibly trying to sneak in a few minutes for so noble a task on MRT.           I've spent much more time than I'd hoped on making pastries and icecream this week, must stop.  The urge to bake and cook, oddly enough, is the most difficult things to resist for me.   it's the only thing in my life that might remotely resembles crack.           I once wrote, on a whim, that I was introduced to English literature by "shakespeare and the drunkards."           O it was so much more than that.             I was, in the very first minute of our encounters, entranced by their ineffable allure.           From the first pleasant sigh for Hamlet, I gradually and invariably fell in love with the vast possibility and depth they showed me in literature, of which I'd never imagined before.  Marinating in each ingeniously placed sentences and words, I finally realized the devoted love I had for lit

Beauty in the city

        Leaves and branches, trodden and unexplored paths; things in life are but a manifestation of light.