
Showing posts from September, 2014

Today I Don't Hate Children

The choir was chanting an unfamiliar song, to which I wasn't paying much attention, as always, when I finished my prayer.  I opened my eyes, and right then I caught a glimpse of something wonderful - the priest, one of the most saintly and ethereal priest I know, lit up at the sight of a tiny person.  He smiled like any common man would, looking adoringly at such innocence, and gently shaking the boy's thin, marshmallow arms. Then he carried on to bless the children, and I sit back on the bench.  The brief, beautiful moment filled me with a feeling that haven't visited my for years.  More of a memory, it was related to content, kindness, holiness, and a simpler attitude towards life.  My mother used to say to me, quite often it seemed, as I had a very young brain and fresh memory at the time, that "children are God's favorite."  "Why?" I would ask, I would always ask.  "Because children are innocent and unstained."  And I would feel so