Music festival versus textbooks

Best things that happened to me today: Palma Violets, Of Monsters and Men, and Blur.
        Wasn’t I supposed to be studying? 

        I never realized until today how good they’ve been to me.  I’ve taken so many people’s trust and appreciation for granted.  They listen, and think, even when I act like a willful child. 
        I remember on a quiet afternoon with Pan – it’s one of the few conversations we shared alone – I confided that I was far less than what people assumed.  The way they listened and talked to me frustrated me; I couldn’t begin to explain to them my fear.  For the first time someone believed; he understood.  I was the same, he said.  I was so thankful.

        Received a postcard.  A car submerged in pitch dark road, headlights seeking forward.  At night in the country, senses seem to be reduced to smell.  The smell of fertilizer.  Of stagnant water.  Of breezes traveled through grass.  Of empty space.
        I used to spend most nights on the balcony behind the dormitory’s laundry room, thinking, and looking out to the Sizi Bay.  The ocean at night was undistinguishable from land or sky.  Distant lights sparkle, and day after day I looked for the horizon.
Damon Albarn dressed like a hobo (commented with love.)


  1. It's hard to confess who we really are when others all deem you too good. Still, feel free to tell me your thoughtsXD

  2. Pan (志群) has a way of creeping inside people's minds, you know.
    Like a sorcerer.
    Most of the times it's terrifying, but sometimes it's a good thing.

  3. Such a pity that I never got a chance to meet him! But I have my own Pan, who can pierce into me even before myself.


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